- 中小型馬鈴薯 – 想吃幾顆就用幾顆
- 奶油或橄欖油
- 海鹽
- 黑胡椒
- 任何香料 – 我通常用義式綜合香料 (或 parsley) + paprika 粉
- 預熱烤箱至 425°F (220°C)。
- 把洗淨的馬鈴薯平放 (我通常不去皮),一刀刀切成薄片狀。
注意底部不可切斷,要保留大約 1 cm (0.4 inch) 的厚度。 - 將奶油或橄欖油均勻塗在整顆馬鈴薯上,包括底部。
可以使用刷子來抹油,盡量讓溝槽裡也沾到油。 - 在表面撒上海鹽、黑胡椒、香料。
- 送入烤箱烤約 30 分鐘。
- 取出後,可再刷一層奶油、再多撒上一點香料。
- 再烤個 10 分鐘左右,或直到馬鈴薯「超展開」且表皮脆脆的,就可以享用啦!
The hasselback potato looks fancy but the recipe is actually very simple.
Give it a try to surprise everyone!
- Small or medium-sized potatoes – any amount according to your appetite
- Butter or olive oil
- Sea salt
- Ground black pepper
- Spices of your choice – I usually use Italian seasoning (or just parsley) + paprika
- Preheat the oven to 425°F (220°C).
- Slice the washed potatoes (I usually keep the skins) to create uniform thin slices.
Do not cut it to the end, though. Leave about 0.4 inch (1 cm) intact area of the bottom. - Apply butter or olive oil evenly to the entire potatoes, including the bottom.
You can use a brush so that the oil can get in between the cleavages. - Sprinkle the sea salt, ground black pepper and spices on the potatoes.
- Bake the potatoes for 30 minutes.
- Remove the potatoes from the oven, and apply the second layer of butter as well as the seasonings.
- Bake for another 10 minutes, or until the potatoes kind of "spread up" and the skins turn crispy.
Then enjoy!