不可不知的懶人版馬鈴薯料理第三 po!
- 中小型馬鈴薯 (我用 baby potato) – 3~4 顆
- 奶油 – 1 大匙
- 黑胡椒 – 適量
- 鹽 – 適量
- 巴西里 (Parsley) – 適量
- 紅椒粉 (Paprika) – 適量
- 馬鈴薯洗淨,把不好看的地方修掉 (不用削皮)。冷水入鍋,等水滾後再煮約 10-15 分鐘。
- 把煮好後的馬鈴薯切塊。
- 熱鍋融化奶油,用中小火煎馬鈴薯塊。
- 先把皮的部份朝上,切面朝下 (浸在奶油裡)。
- 等所有切面都變得有點焦黃時,加入調味料 (黑胡椒、鹽、巴西里、紅椒粉) 拌炒,
直到調味料均勻分布馬鈴薯塊的表面。 - 最後把皮的部分朝下煎一會兒,就可以起鍋啦!
- baby potatoes – 3~4
- butter – 1 tbsp
- ground black pepper – to taste
- salt – to taste
- parsley – to taste
- paprika – to taste
- Wash and clean the potatoes (but don't peel them).
Put them in a pot of cold water and bring to boil. Cook for 10-15 minutes. - Cut the cooked potatoes into chunks.
- Heat the pan to melt the butter, and use medium-low heat to fry the potato chunks.
- Place the potato chunks face-down, with the skin sides up.
- When all sides (except the skin) of the chunks turn brown, add the seasoning and mix well.
- Lastly, fry the skin sides for a while. Time to eat!