


蝦仁魔鬼蛋 | Shrimp Deviled Eggs

而且這道菜可以輕易「量產」,很適合帶去 potluck 唷!

一直到去年我在 DC 的一間餐廳吃到六種口味一次滿足的進階版魔鬼蛋,
才知道這種把蛋黃調味後擺回蛋上的東西叫 deviled eggs,

材料 (8 個)

  • 蛋 – 4 顆
  • 鮮蝦或冷凍蝦 (生的) – 4 隻
  • 檸檬汁 – 1~2 小匙,或依個人口味調整
  • 美乃滋 – 約 1 大匙,或依個人口味調整
  • 黃芥末醬 – 約 1 大匙,或依個人口味調整
  • 黑胡椒
  • 其他調味料 – Parsley、Paprika 粉


  1. 將鮮蝦或冷凍蝦去殼去泥腸,放入滾水中燙熟 (可加入生薑粉去腥),撈起放涼。
  2. 將蛋煮至全熟。
  3. 把煮好的蛋剝殼、剖半,用小湯匙把蛋黃輕輕挖出來,集中到一個碗裡。
  4. 把蛋黃、檸檬汁、美乃滋、黃芥末醬、黑胡椒混合均勻。
  5. 將蝦子剖半 (因為剖開的部分是平的,會比較容易固定在蛋黃上)。
  6. 將調味過的蛋黃用小湯匙放回每個蛋的凹槽裡,再擺上蝦子。
  7. 最後撒上一些 Parsley 和 Paprika 粉當裝飾,就完成啦!


This is a refreshing dish for summertime.
The yolk tastes sweet and a bit sour, which pairs with the shrimp perfectly.
What's more, this is an ideal dish to bring to a potluck, since it is suitable for "mass production".

Ingredients (for 8)

  • Egg – 4
  • Fresh of frozen shrimps (raw) – 4
  • Fresh lemon juice – 1~2 tsp, or to taste
  • Mayonnaise – approx. 1 tbsp, or to taste
  • Yellow mustard – approx. 1 tbsp, or to taste
  • Ground black pepper
  • Other seasonings – parsley, paprika, etc.


  1. Peel, devein, and cook the shrimps. Then put them aside.
  2. Hard-boil the eggs (cook until both the white and yolk are set).
  3. Peel and slice the eggs lengthwise into half. Gently remove the yolks and put them into a bowl.
  4. Mash and mix the yolks, lemon juice, mayonnaise, yellow mustard, black pepper.
    It is your discretion to decide the proportions of these seasonings.
  5. Slice the shrimps into half (so that the flat side can be placed steadily on the egg in the next step).
  6. Scoop the mixture and put an appropriate amount into each egg white. Place the halved shrimp on top.
  7. Sprinkle some parsley and paprika for garnish, then enjoy!