- 中小型馬鈴薯 – 4~6 顆
- 青花椰菜 – 約 4~5 小朵
- 洋蔥 – 約 1/8 大顆
- 牛奶 – 2 大匙
- 起司絲 – 1/4 杯
- 奶油 – 1/2 大匙
- 鹽 – 適量
- 黑胡椒 – 適量
- 馬鈴薯洗淨去皮,水煮後壓成泥,但不用壓得太徹底。
- 洋蔥洗好切丁。
- 青花椰洗好後把莖切除,只取頂端花球的部分。(莖可以留做其他菜,不用丟掉啦~)
- 用奶油把洋蔥丁和青花椰稍微炒一下。
- 把馬鈴薯泥、洋蔥丁、青花椰、牛奶、起司絲、鹽、黑胡椒全部混在一起拌勻。
- 用手或其他器材把薯泥捏成有點厚度的圓餅狀。
表面不用捏得很平整,這樣烤完看起來反而比較可愛哦。 - 烤箱預熱 375°F (190°C)。
- 在鋁箔紙或烤盤刷上薄薄一層植物油,將薯餅烤 20 分鐘。
- 翻面再烤 15 分鐘,或直到薯餅兩面都變色。
- small to medium-sized potato – 4~6
- 4~5 broccoli crowns
- 1/8 onion
- milk – 2 tbsp
- shredded cheese – 1/4 cup
- butter – 1/2 tbsp
- salt – to taste
- ground black pepper – to taste
- Make mashed potatoes, but don't mash too thoroughly.
- Dice the onion.
- Remove the stems and stalks of washed broccolis. We use only the florets in this recipe.
(You can keep the removed parts for other dishes!) - Melt the butter, and stir fry the diced onion and broccoli florets until slightly softened.
- Mix the mashed potatoes, onion, broccoli and all the other ingredients well.
- Use your clean hands or any tools to make small cakes with the mixture.
(Leaving the surface uneven will make the baked cakes look cuter!) - Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
- Apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on the baking tray or the aluminium foil, and bake the cakes for 20 minutes.
- Flip the cakes over and bake for another 15 minutes, or until both sides turn brown. Voila!